Painting class for kids
Art for kids Winnipeg
Art classes Winnipeg
Painting class for kids
Advanced Art Program for 11-15 years old kids.
Rome Acrylic by Prisha
Michael Vassilchenko, 11 years old, Oil Paint, Surrealism
Zoya Kostetsky, 13 years old
Prisha Visen,12 years old
Michael Vassilchenko, 11 years old, Acrylic, Pointillism
Zoya Kostetsky, 11 years old Acrylic, Pointillism
Heli Manov, 11 years old Acrylic
Michael Vassilchenko, 11 years old, Oil Paint, Surrealism
Raven, 11 years old Acrylic
Advanced art program was designed for 11-15 years old kids. The program will develop your child's imagination while teaching the fundamentals of the World History of Art with an instructor led projects. Students develop their understanding of how art reflects the history, values, and beliefs of various societies and cultures. Students are encouraged to present their personal ideas and thinking out of the box (projects on Egyptology, Mythology, mosaic, pointillism, surrealism, collage and abstraction).